Cook Inlet Survivor
In 2017, this Loggerhead Instruments datalogger (DSG-ST purchased in 2014) was deployed in a remote location in Cook Inlet, Alaska but could not be recovered during attempts in 2017, 2018 and 2019.
It was found onshore by a fisherman in late September, 2022 with two years and eight months of data, a record for this research group, the Cook Inlet Beluga Acoustics Program (CIBA) by the Marine Mammal Laboratory at the NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center, in partnership with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. In spite of its many dents and a destroyed hydrophone, "it did not leak a drop, and best of all, it recorded until April 2020. It stopped due to a full 512 GB memory card while the mooring was still deployed."
"I think this proves your recorders are rock solid, and your housings are the best out there. The mooring package went through hell while rolling on rocks."

Loggerhead Products Enable Research
Loggerhead Instruments' products, including the LS1 and Snap, are used in the world's oceans, lakes and rivers to acoustically monitor and study aquatic life. A sample of recent publications highlights some of these discoveries: